There's More to Your Story Podcast: Women Shining in the Marketplace and Beyond

Overcoming Weariness Between the Chapters in Your Story

Dr. Yvette Rice Season 1 Episode 9

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Ladies have you ever felt like giving up when you’re caught between chapters in your life story? Then this episode, "Overcoming Weariness Between the Chapters in Your Story," is for you.

In this episode, "There's More to Your Story," Dr. Yvette Rice delivers an encouraging reminder: this is NOT the time to quit! She’ll inspire you to keep pushing forward and share essential insights and scripture on how to prevent weariness along the way. You have come too far to turn around and give up now.

3 Tips you will learn in this episode is How to avoid weariness by:

  1. Guarding your eye gate. 
  2. Guarding your ear gate
  3. Guarding your mouth gate

This episode will re-ignite your fire that you will WIN!


  1. Apply everything you have learned from this episode regarding Biblical Principles for Business Plan Development.
  2. Check out other episodes of the “There’s More to Your Story” Podcast and visit our website, for a list of my books and other resources for growth.
  3. Please share this podcast with others and join us share this podcast with others and join us next time to be encouraged and inspired as you pursue your God-given Purpose and Dreams.

Scripture Reference 

  • Hebrews 10:35-36 AMP
  • Philippians 4:13 AMP
  • Proverbs 19:21 AMP
  • Proverbs 20:24 The Message 
  • Galatians 6:9 AMP
  • Proverbs 18:21 AMP
  • Isaiah 54:2 – 3a NIV
  • Luke 12:48b

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Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel when you found yourself seemingly stuck between chapters in your life story? Well, I am here today to tell you, this is not the time to quit. Today's episode, overcoming weariness between the chapters in your story, is going to inspire, encourage and give you that input or the insight or the fortitude to keep moving forward. 

Let's talk about it. We women often face obstacles, crises and detours on the way to fulfilling our purpose. Then we realized what we thought was the laying purpose was part of the process to fulfill our purpose. 

Hello, I'm Dr. Yvette Rice and welcome to There's More to Your Story podcast. In each episode, we share inspirational insights and encouraging biblical principles that help women overcome obstacles, crises and detours on the way to the next part of their lives, careers and purpose. 

God has a divine plan for you that unfolds daily. So remember, there is more to your story. One of my favorite scriptures found in Hebrews 10, 35 through 36 in the amplified version says this, do not therefore fling away your fillest confidence for it has a glorious and great reward for you have need of patient endurance to bear up on the difficult circumstances without. 

compromising, so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the feel, to the full, what is promised. There have been times in my life when I knew something big, something different, something new was about to transpire, yet I felt like I was stuck somewhere between the present and that big new thing that God was about to bring forth in another chapter of my life. 

I knew I was too far to go backwards to what I was familiar with, but I was not far enough to experience the promise of God that was waiting for me. So what happened in that between time? I began to feel a little anxious, I began to feel worrisome, and then God took me to the scripture, and if we look at verse 35, Hebrews 10 again, it says, do not therefore fling away your fearless confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. 

You know, I started thinking about what is that fearless confidence? What is that thing? What is inside of me that makes me want to be bold, that makes me want to be fearless, that makes me not want to be anxious? 

And then I read the translation of that same verse in the Living Bible translation. And it said this, verse 35, do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward. 

You know, I was happy, I was excited when I felt something new was coming, when I felt like something big was coming. But then all of a sudden, the happiness started to turn a drudgery or downplaying emotions of sadness and anxiousness once what I thought or the expectations of what I thought was to come had a delay. 

But look what it said in verse 36. It says, you need to keep on patiently doing God's will if you want him to do for you all that he has promised. You know, when I read that I saw, I said, I've got to stay focused and have to keep doing what God's will is for me so that I can be ready for the promise when it does happen. 

There's a scripture that I found that really helped me get through this moment. In fact, I learned about something called God Fidence. Now, what God Fidence is for me is, is when I allow the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit on the inside of me, began to guide me daily, reminded me that That is Him that's doing the work through me. 

That is Him that's preparing the way, that's ordering my steps. And so my confidence didn't have to rest in myself, in my self-confidence any longer. But what happens when we put our trust in God and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, our self-confidence becomes united with His power and His might. 

And that's how God fidence is birthed in and through us. Our scripture to support that analogy is this. In Philippians 4, 13 in the Amplified, it says, I can do all things which He has called me to do through Him who strengthens and empowers me to fulfill His purpose. 

I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace. So what that scripture is telling me, I can have confident peace in the Lord because I'll allow his power to work through me. 

I yield myself to the Holy Spirit on the inside of me and he does the work. I just need to yield. I just need to surrender. I just need to allow God to order my steps. There's a scripture in Proverbs that says this. 

It's Proverbs 19 and 21 and it says that I'm reading from the amplified translation. Many plans are in a man's mind, but it's the Lord's purpose for him that will stand and be carried out. You know, when I read that scripture, I begin to understand that with God, we have to learn how to move on command. 

We have to learn how to allow God's presence and his power instruct us. We have to allow God to order our steps through his word to show us a direction that we need to go in. You know, we have to yield and spend time with God in the quiet times, in the stillness of the mornings and of the nights so that we get used to his voice when he's speaking to us. 

And that's what I began to do in my life. In some of my previous episodes, I've shared where there was something big and new coming into my life after I had taken a 15-year break from the marketplace as an engineer. 

Our son had turned 15 and I remember distinctly hearing a feeling or sensing God say, it's time for you to create your own. the resume. Now, mind you, I have been out of engineering for more than 15 years. 

Technology changes rapidly. So I knew the big was coming and I was anxious about it, but I knew I had to prepare myself and listen to the Holy Spirit as he guided me. I know that there are women right now. 

Some of you may have taken a break from your career professions to go out and to go home and become full-time mothers. And you feel like in the inkling or a draw to pull you back into the marketplace, but you don't know where to start. 

And so I had to learn by the Spirit of God how to reclaim my professional life. Which meant that I had to yield my plans for God's plans because it was not something that I volunteered to do I enjoyed being in ministry full-time with my husband. 

I enjoyed I wrote a book during that time Mountain movie made easy. So I was excited and I enjoyed that activity But at the same time I knew God was calling me forward to something big and something new and I realized that it was actually to get me in the marketplace to get a greater Understanding of what women face in the marketplace so that I could be prepared to start live LLC Ladies living in Victor in excellence. 

Of course, I didn't have any idea that that was what God had planned for me But I knew that I needed to learn how to move on command Crazy thing happened. Well, I won't call it crazy. I'll say supernatural thing happened. 

I Was instructed to create a resume that only put my skills in I didn't put one single date I put my leadership abilities and capabilities. I put that I had helped my husband create a leadership Program or train an Academy actually at our church for our church leaders And then we begin to train other leaders in other churches I put that I had gone back and gotten a master's in a doctorate in theology while I was away from the marketplace as an engineer I added all of those things together and Supernaturally the company that ended up hiring me was looking for someone with a technology background Who also had leadership development skills could facilitate? 

Workshops related to a computer system that was in-house development So I didn't know anything about the computer system, but I knew I had the capabilities to learn I knew that I could do all things through God who strengthens me and I knew that it was my time and it was his favor on my life that was pushing me into the right direction. 

I ended up getting hired to run as a program manager a multi-million dollar contract. I traveled all over the country and parts of the world because of that opportunity but I knew that there were things that I need to gain and grow in the marketplace and understand what women face, gender biases, pay discrepancies. 

All of these things that hinder or hold us back and so because of that it prepared me to go back and get an MBA in leadership and to start Live LLC. So the big was coming but it was a process. I worked for that other company. 

for eight years. How did I get through all of that? I learned to trust in God. I learned to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I learned to utilize God's power working on the inside of me, to build me up and strengthen me, and to prepare me for excellence for the work that he had for me to do. 

Let's take a break. When we come back, we will discuss how to overcome weariness when we're between chapters in our story. Welcome back to There's More to Your Story. We're discussing how to overcome weariness between the chapters in our story. 

Now, some of you may not have listened to our first episode when we talked about how in Psalms 139, God distinctly tells us that we are fitfully and wonderfully made. In that chapter, he also tells us how he has prepared our whole story. 

It's written in a book, and that it's up to us to seek God, to seek his purpose for our life, to seek his plans for our lives, and to prepare us for what he has to come. And so with understanding that, I want to share some things about what the Lord says about weariness when we're going from point A to point B, or now you're in point D and you're headed to point E. 

Listen to what Galatians 6 and 9 states, and this is from the Amplified. translation. It says, let us not grow weary or become discouraged and doing good for at the proper time we will reap if we do not give in. 

You know I thought about that. I begin to meditate on that more and more. I will reap if I do not give in. So I want to reap, I want to grow, I want to obtain the promises of God. So how do we prevent weariness? 

There are three areas that God gave me or that He began to show me during that time of waiting and even while I'm waiting through what I'm going through right now. As a business owner, I'm being challenged to step into a whole other area and I'm trusting God to get me through that place. 

I have all of the back-to-back information or the back experience or the work that I've done previously with my company, but God wants me to compile it and use it for something totally different. And it's going to take greater faith. 

It's going to take me trusting Him more. It's going to take me learning and growing more. And it's going to take me not allowing myself to be overcome by weariness. So what have I been doing to help me through this transition? 

The first thing is I've learned to guard your eye gate. Stay focused on the task at hand, the Word of God and the promises of God that He has given us, and stop comparing yourself to others. You know, while we're going through these places where God is transitioning us from one place to the other, we have to keep our eyes on the prize. 

Keep your eyes on the promises and the purpose and the calling that God has specifically for you. You know, when we start looking to the left or the right, sometimes we begin to feel like, you know, they're getting where they're supposed to be a whole life faster than me. 

That's what it may seem like. But sometimes we see those reels and we see, you know, people talking about their achievements and their accomplishments, but we don't know what happened before that reel. 

We don't know the days, the years, the months, the time that they went through the process to get from point A to point B. And it's a reason behind the process, which we'll talk about in a little while. 

But we have to keep our eyes, first of all, focused on the Word of God. What is God's Word promised to you for your situation? What has God spoken to you in the midnight hours or in the early mornings about your purpose and your call? 

Some I feel like you're asking, how do you know if God speaks? to you. The first place he speaks to us is through his word. So we have to read the Word of God in context, not from something someone posted online, not from something that you heard in a in a 30 second reel. 

We have to get the Word of God, get a good study Bible so that you can understand the context of what he's teaching and what he's sharing, why he spoke what he did, how he spoke what he did. Those things are critical and important for us as we're learning to hear God's voice. 

So we have to first focus on what we take in, what we look at, what we see. You know, I learned through this process that I had to get off extra, extra social media. What I mean by extra, yes, I use social media for my business, but as far as just spending the whole day reading others, others post and, um, looking, you know, you can get distracted pretty easily to be honest. 

You go out there and you're doing research on Google to look up something for your business or your company and you end up all over the place and you wasted two or three hours and don't even realize it. 

So it's stay in focus, trusting God, listening to his word and reading, reading, reading to build yourself up in your faith, not comparing yourself to others. And then we have to guard our ear gate. What do you mean by that event? 

What I'm saying is I guard what I'm hearing. I'm very careful of the people that I'm around during that season because you know, there's a waiting period and sometimes people want to give their unsolicited advice and their unsolicited opinions. 

And we have to understand that in that season, we need God to be speaking life into us through the Holy Spirit. We need to be speaking life to ourselves. You know, I'm already guarding my eye gate. I'm already reading the word and now I'm listening to messages. 

I'm listening to information, preaching sermons, things related to where I'm trying to go as far as growth, whether it's professional growth, whether it's spiritual growth. My ears are tuned in. And that means that sometimes we have to close in or change our inner circle. 

You know, Jesus had an inner circle. There may have been 12 disciples, but Peter, James and John were the ones that he brought with him on certain occasions where there were situations going on and he needed people speaking life. 

He needed intercessors. And it's the same way with us that we have to be very mindful of who we allow in that space or in our space when we're in the middle of going. through from point A to point B, it may be point E to point F, whatever. 

I may be on chapter 10 of my life and it's time for me to step into chapter 11 of my story. What, regardless of the situation, I know that I have to be careful what I hear because what faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God and guess what fear can come by hearing. 

When we allow fear, when we allow words of despondency, words of disappointment, words of doubt and unbelief start to seep in through our ears to our mind, then we affect how we're going to get through this season and we allow weariness to come in. 

The third thing that I really use to help overcome weariness is this. I have to guard my own mouth. I have to guard what I'm saying, you know, in Proverbs 18, 21, and I'm reading from the Amplified, it says this, death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it and indulge in it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. 

So my words have consequences, good or evil, our words have consequences, and so we have to be very mindful of what we're saying. We have to be very mindful because who do we listen to or who do we hear speak more than anyone else? 

We even hear our thoughts, think something silently right now. You heard your voice when you thought it and it's the same way with us. We have to be very mindful of what we're allowing to come out of our mouths because we're speaking life or death to our situation. 

You know, go study the book of Genesis and the creation in beginning, even with chapter one and it says that God said, and then he saw what he said. I talk about this distinctly in the book that I wrote mountain moving made easy because we're created in the image of God and we're created after his likeness and God is a spirit. 

We believe in a triune. God is God, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. And then we're triune being where spirit, we have a soul and we live in our body, the earth suit. Our soul is our mind, the Succi. 

So guess what, what you're thinking and you start saying, you're going to start singing. Now I'm not talking about some abracadabra situation. I'm talking about operating in the power of God when Jesus Christ. 

is on the inside of you, and you've accepted Him as your Lord and your Savior. But think about it. You have the power to orchestrate things in your life according to Proverbs by what you're seeing out of your mouth. 

And so be careful. What are you speaking to the woman in the mirror? Let's take a break, and we will finish this episode by answering the question, why the need for patience and persistence between chapters in our story when we return. 

["Pomp and Circumstance"] Welcome back to There's More to Your Story. We're discussing overcoming weariness between chapters in your story and my thought on my last thought for today is this why do we need patience and persistence between chapters in our story? 

Let's go back and revisit the scripture in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 and it states and I'm reading from the Amplified translations for you have need of patience endurance to bear up on the difficult circumstances without compromising so that when you have carried out the will of God you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised. 

This scripture is saying that I need patience. We need patience and endurance. We need the patience and the endurance to be intentional about everything that God is telling us to do while we're transitioning from where we were to that new chapter in our lives that new big thing that God is bringing into our lives. 

So we need to develop our patience and we need to learn how to endure and the reason that I feel like so many times God wants us to develop greater patience and endurance is the unwillingness to quit is because just because the door is opening and there's something big and new that's coming it does not mean that it's going to be easy so we have to have that fighting endurance that power from within us and remember we talked about it that the Spirit of God is within us and through him we can do all things through Christ but at the same time we have to have the mindset that we're not going to quit okay so if you go back and in your study Bible study time take a look at numbers 13 When the children of Israel were getting ready to step into the promised land, 

Moses had sent out 12 spies. 10 came back with evil reports or unbelief. Two came back with beliefs. But those two, those 10 people actually stopped the transition into the promised land of millions of people just by what they said. 

Remember, guiding your ear gate, guarding what you say, and guarding your eye gate, played a big important part in them not believing that they could go in and establish something that God had already promised you or promised them. 

And it's the same way with us. God has already spoken into our lives. He already has established promises for us. Remember Psalms 139? They said before you were ever in your mother's womb, your story was already laid out. 

every promise, all of victories, the purpose, everything that God has for you. But the key is finding out what your life story is, seeking God for your purpose and going in and fulfilling it. I remember when I was transitioning and going through being accepted my call in the ministry and as a woman in the ministry, those were very difficult times back 30 years ago and sometimes even for women now. 

But I remember God showing me a scripture that really gave me encouragement through that season. And it was Isaiah 54 and verses two through three, A is what I'm sharing. And I'm reading from the NIV and it says, enlarge the place of your tent and stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen your state for you will spread out to the right and to the left. 

I remember God reminded me, I'm growing you event. I'm preparing you for this season to come. Yes, it's gonna be big. Yes, you don't understand it now. You may not recognize what is happening in your life, but trust me through this growth process. 

You're gonna have to endure, you're gonna have to have patience. And a lot of times during that time, I felt so alone. I felt like I didn't have anyone except for the Lord walking me through the process, helping me to grow in his word, helping me to grow in purpose. 

And then I remembered even years later, that same scripture, those same scriptures, that whole chapter of Isaiah 54 has been very helpful for me because it ends with the scripture that says, no weapon that is formed against you can prosper. 

So God was showing me, there may be texts, there may be times when you wanna be, you feel like you're gonna give up and be discouraged, but in the process, you have to, to know. know that you have to have patient endurance. 

You're going to have to recognize that this is just a growth process for me. I have three challenges for each of you as we end this podcast today. Challenge number one, apply everything that you've learned today to help you as you take that journey through your story. 

Challenge number two, check out other episodes of There's More To Your Story podcast, and visit our website, for a list of my books and other resources that can help you grow along the way as you live out your story. 

Challenge number three, please share this podcast with others and join us next time to be encouraged and inspired as you pursue your God-given purpose and dreams. Until then, I'm Dr. Yvette Rice. Have a victorious day, and remember, there's more to your story.